Copper benefits drinking water 2023


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copper benefits drinking water

Copper benefits drinking water topic has been risen during debates many times and settled concretely as right evidences have always been there to prove it.

Certain diarrhoeagenic bacterias like E Coli,Salmonella Typhi are some of commonly known bacterias on which copper acts as a safeguard to us.Does this mean when you pour water having such bacteria in less than four hours and consume a part of water in less than 4 hours,will you get the preventive benefits?

Answer is NO.Copper works slowly and researches that are done in labs are usually done on water sample kept up to 16 hours with copper touch.Copper also brings a slight addition to ph value of water.

Water in copper vessels is fruitful for benefits if you keep it overnight and consume next day.

But certainly there are positives linked to it.

  1. Kills Bacteria
  2. Detoxifies your body.
  3. Just like too much of everything is bad ,so is excessive copper intake also. Too much copper intake can damage your kidney, brain ,liver and heart (Wilson disease).So just to get more benefits of copper sources should be used in limits example if you already are using copper vessels to store water then atleast you need not buy a RO system with copper.Infact you take continuously copper vessel water for 3-4 months ,then take a break and make it example a summers ongoing routine or winter routine. This will not allow copper to settle more in your system.
  4. Boost Haemoglobin
  5. Regulates Hypertension  : LDL, Triglycerides coming in blood report ?Drinking copper utensil based water is a fix.
  6. Osteoporosis a chronic condition resulting in joints pains is also treatable.
  7. Improves heart health by improving the heart beat system and making nerves stronger.
  8. Helps to loose weight
  9. For brain functions improvements also research has shown positive results as it brings positive thoughts.
  10. Not so among ignorable points is anti-ageing effects copper vessels bring to oneself. It actually is very helpful in maintaining your youthfulness and skin elasticity.
  11. For women postmenopausal ,this improves bone density.

Copper and lemon do not go simultaneously so we discourage the use of putting products which have a sour tangent of taste.

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Copper benefits have thus been revealed to you. You may also share your comments to us as its only through your comments that we value add facts to our marketing research. There have been many interesting instances when we truly made best use of these facts to discover next level of information. A participation with community helps to grow in terms of ideas.

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Conclusion : All positives,no negatives.We should use all things in our life in moderation (a philosophical concept).Same goes with copper as well. But on whole the merits certainly outweigh the choice.

You can buy some of copper vessels from our link here or using our app,its your choice.This puts an end to our blog Copper benefits drinking water 2023.Enjoy your time.

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