Non stick teflon pan safe or not in 2023


Non stick teflon pan is safe or not ?.A research.

nonstick teflon pan utensils

With the inception of humanity,food has been an obvious demand, as a basic need.
Even Neanderthals have used utensils as some very older exacavation proved it.
They were made of bones and stones combinations and for this reason they could be
concluded as utensils remains.

From leaves to bones to clay or whatever heat resistant material
could come in reach, human race has experimented to use it as a utensil.
With discovery of metal and transformation to iron age, metals also came in picture.
Beside Indians ,there have been indications that Egyptians too used gold, silver ,copper vessels and cutlery.

Today where we see ourselves in technology is mainly on grounds of extradordinary inventions.
Though we have not been hesitant to use utensils like aluminium,steels,clay,la opala,bones china,ceramics.
But do and donts even are attached with these ones.We will try to cover these in our future blogs.

Here our intent is mainly to understand "Are Teflon coated utensils safe for you ?".
One liner answer ??.No then you wont read further. Ok. Lets keep it short.

Non stick teflon pan safe or not has been a topic of debate from very long. Answer is "Its safe, firstly if you keep it to recommended temperature ranges and often change such utensils on initial sign of degradation."
But are we that obedient or rigid to follow on these usage patterns ?.Answer is no.
So here we have to change our mindset. We can use teflon coated utensils as benefits outweigh disadvantages.But we have got to be a little careful.

Though no concrete researches have proved that teflon can surely cause detrimental effect to liver, kidneys or cause cancer in context with utensils usage.
But we must all know that Teflon is actually made of chemical compound named polyterafluroethylene.
This is a synthetic polymer.

Though there has been such revelations made that all Teflon products are PFOA free since 2013.
But in our country like India ,this reality needs to deciphered out.
The utensil must not be heated beyond 500 deg C as from here teflon starts to break.
Also at first sign of fading utensil,it must be changed.

So considering the fact that most of time it helps you give non oily food.
Thereby, saving you from many other oil related dependent diseases, risk in this is minimal.
Only be careful for not putting such bare empty utensil on gas and forgetting all about it.

Non stick teflon pan safe or not in 2023 has been widely outruled by growing urbanization and change in outlook of youth. Today we have noticed kitchens using mostly teflon coated utensils but we have our own ifs and buts. Use things wisely and as per its usability trend example avoid excessive heat application of cooking scenarios. Non stick teflon pan safe or not is thus concluded.

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