Pain lower back and waist ?, use latex mattress. Supportive to back as per researches in 2023.A blog from our customer.

Pain lower back ?, latex mattress is the solution. Research shows bye bye to back pain if you are a latex user.

pain lower back latex mattress

Pain lower back and waist ??. Use latex mattress. This solution was understood when I had been in pain for more than seven years in region of lower waist. If you want to know the period then that was between year 2010-2017.Sometimes pain would radiate to my legs. On many occasions this pain will go but in winters it would come back again.

Got blood test reports and found some lack of vitamin D. After taking prescribed doses of vitamin D, then onwards ,there was a relief. After this episode pain was ok for atleast 2 years.

In between these 2 years too seldom, I used to take some doses of vitamin D and calcium. But this waist pain relief did not last longer. It came back soon. Another blood test was done but reports revealed Vitamin D and calcium levels quite optimal with a minor insufficiency .Though it was not so low to make things that bad.

Then what was the reason for this pain ?Pain lower back was then a story afar from my vision when one day one of my friend told me about it.Till then i could not figure out the exact reason.

I went to doctor .He suggested to improve my sitting posture .He further asked me to use a back cushion during driving. Also I used to visit some evening physiotherapy sessions.With some vibrators, I was encouraged to do Bhujang aasana. Doctor also gave some pain relievers like power gesic and in addition also gave me some steroids based medications .I remember those days because of effect of those medicines, I used to feel drowsiness at my workplace and even during driving the car. These things helped me sail for one or more years again.

Another next advancing year,this pain came back. Now I stopped visiting doctors also as finally I thought they will put me back to medications. Though relied on Vit D,calcium intake. But pain was not going fully.I kept on reading internet, kept discussing with near colleagues. Some of them and mine problem was common. But root cause could never be found.

Then that one Sunday in year 2017, one of my friends guided me and told me that i must change my mattress. I googled mattresses supporting back related issues as per friend's advise. Eventually pain lower back had a solution.

I watched nearly 25 you tube videos about good mattresses and to know benchmarks of a good mattress. These benchmarks were compared with actual situation of mattresses used by me. Results were shocking to me. I could realize that I was doing a big mistake sleeping on my mattress. I observed that not only the shape was pressed deep down on middle but also from sides.

Further checked pillow there and that area was quite uneven.

I then further did a good research on mattresses as by now a purchased decision was final to get a new mattress. As I am talking in context with year 2017 ,so this is not much long back. Just three to four years back.I will not create more boredom for you to explain you what is memory foam mattress or what is spring mattress or how certain compositions of different layers embedded in mattress helps.If you really want to know about this ,youtube and internet is full of these things. May be you might get real inventors videos or core professionals too in these areas.

Leave all types apart as certainly market packs products considering all budget types and demographics. I will come directly to point how your mattress should be ?.One thing for sure. Please and please use a latex mattress only. May be latex  in some mild composition which helps you drive your budget optimally. But I will again repeat use only and only a latex mattress. These mattress are one of the costlier ones but may become an eye opener to you, after you start sleeping on them.Also after three to four years ,do a self audit.You will find mattresses intact ,fine in shape with no distortion at any possible point.Just one care,please don’t spill liquid on a latex mattress.

So what I did mainly four years back was changing my mattress to a latex one.A really 100% pure latex mattress does cost you more than 50000 INR budget to even budget around 250000 INR depending upon latex purity and certification. I will not name any brands here.I have clubbed the best ones I could find on my website.You can go and directly buy from there.I will be leaving a link for that.

But the one I got for me was around 40000 INR using some memory foam and latex composition as initially I was not sure that latex mattress would really help me or not.So investing so much at that point of time did seem risky and gave me an inner feeling that I was spending more on trivial terms.

Why I am writing this blog is to finally say to you guys, three years have passed sleeping on a latex mattress and back pain now is a history. But truly pain lower back latex mattress have something that work opposite to each other. I also realized that we as human beings spend 70% of lifetime on bed so we should not think too much spending on our comforts at budgetary level.

To some of readers, if my post could really help, that will fulfill my objective.

GOTS,GOLS are some certifications which will elevate the cost of a latex mattress as per your budget. So don’t  go for these criterias as a mandate. The ones shared here through my link, you wont regret buying them.There are also some different techniques of filling latex by a machine on a mattress like Pin core or Pin core with compression (Talalay latex) .ILD called as measure of firmness is equally important. These parameters does make an impact to the better quality. Only take one care that buy a latex mattress.

However you need not spend much time in doing research as that part I have done for you and sharing here some of great products from

You may try to search pain lower back latex mattress in order to figure out the association.

Buy Latex Mattress:Shopclubber
